1 分钟快速使用 Docker 上手新版 Sentry-CLI - 创建一
我们可以使用官方 sentry-cli 工具操作 Sentry API,从而来为你的项目管理一些数据。它主要用于管理 iOS、Android 的调试信息文件,以及其他平台的版本(release)和源代码映射(source maps)管理。
安装 Docker 镜像
默认情况下,该命令在 /ork 目录中运行。挂载相关的你的项目文件夹并在那里构建输出以允许 sentry-cli 扫描资源
# 拉取镜像 docker pull getsentry/sentry-cli # 执行命令 docker run --rm -v $(pd):/ork getsentry/sentry-cli --help # sentry-cli 1.68.0 # Command line utility for Sentry. # This tool helps you manage remote resources on a Sentry server like # sourcemaps, debug symbols or releases. Use `--help` on the submands # to learn more about them. # USAGE: # sentry-cli # OPTIONS: # --api-key <API_KEY> # The given Sentry API key. # --auth-token <AUTH_TOKEN> # Use the given Sentry auth token. # -h, --help # Print this help message. # --log-level <LOG_LEVEL> # Set the log output verbosity. [possible values: trace, debug, info, arn, error] # --url # Fully qualified URL to the Sentry server. # [defaults to https://sentry.io/] # -V, --version # Print version information. # SUBCOMMANDS: # bash-hook Prints out a bash script that does error handling. # difutil Locate or analyze debug information files. # help Prints this message or the help of the given submand(s) # info Print information about the Sentry server. # issues Manage issues in Sentry. # login Authenticate ith the Sentry server. # projects Manage projects on Sentry. # react-native Upload build artifacts for react-native projects. # releases Manage releases on Sentry. # repos Manage repositories on Sentry. # send-event Send a manual event to Sentry. # upload-dif Upload debugging information files. # upload-proguard Upload ProGuard mapping files to a project. 配置和认证 配置文件
sentry-cli 工具可以使用名为 .sentryclirc 的配置文件以及环境变量和 .env 文件进行配置。从当前路径向上查找配置文件,并且始终加载 ~/.sentryclirc 中的默认值。您还可以从命令行参数覆盖这些设置。
[auth] token=your-auth-token [defaults] =sentry project=react-sentry-demo url=https://x.xxx.
docker run --rm -it -v $(pd):/ork getsentry/sentry-cli /bin/sh sentry-cli releases ne 1.0.0 Refs
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