
机器人培训 2022-12-18 09:16www.robotxin.com机器人培训




Dear tourists

hello everyone!

Today e are going to visit the temple of heaven, the place here theemperor orshiped heaven.

The temple of heaven is a sacred hall built by Emperor Yongle of MingDynasty. The main building is the Great Hall of orship, hich is today's Hallof praying for ne year. The temple of heaven has to alls: the outer all andthe inner all. During the reign of Emperor Qianlong, the Great Hall of orshipas changed into the present Hall of praying for the ne year, and the roof aschanged into blue glazed tiles, forming the orld's largest architecturalplex of orshipping heaven.

In 1860, the holy land for orshiping heaven as looted by the British andFrench allied forces, and in 1900, it as ravaged by the Eight Poer Alliedforces. After the founding of ne China, it became a famous tourist attraction,as ell as a lot of fitness people.

No let's start our tour along the route that the emperor ascended thealtar.

No e are going south along the central axis of the temple of heaven. Whate are going to see is the Circular Mound Altar here the ancient emperorsoffered sacrifices to heaven. Yuanqiu altar has to alls, hich are squareoutside and round inside, in line ith the statement that the sky is round andthe place is round. Each all has four groups of doors, the size of the doorsare not the same, this is because the middle door is dedicated to the emperor,so tall, the emperor can only enter from the left side.

Other officials can only pass through the smallest door on the right. Whene e to the bottom of Yuanqiu altar, e are going to climb it soon. Butplease count ho many steps there are on each level. When you get to the ,you ill find that all the orders on the altar are nine or multiples of nine.Are these all coincidences? Of course not, because the ancients believed thatthe number of the extreme Yang of nine. So the craftsmen used this number togive the altar the meaning of "Loftiness".

Thank you for ing to the temple of heaven in Beijing. Wele to eagain next time!


Hello, everyone. I'm your guide. In the next fe days, you can just call meseason guide. First of all, ele to this beautiful and magnificent temple ofheaven! Today e mainly visit the Qigu altar, Qinian hall, Yuanqiu altar,zhaigong and other places of interest. When visiting, please thro the garbageinto the dustbin, or carry plastic bags, strive to be civilized tourists!

In fact, the temple of heaven is the place for the Ming and Qing emperorsto "orship heaven" and "pray for the valley", hich is located in the east ofZhengyang gate. The altar is round in the north and square in the south, hichmeans "round heaven and round place". Neitan, here e are no, is divided intoNorth and south parts. Tourists, look at the building in the north. It's called"Qigu altar". It is said that in the Qing and Ming Dynasties, because theproductivity as very lo at that time and the harvest as controlled by God, aspecial "grain praying altar" as built in the north to pray for a good harvest.Every year, the emperor prayed to God in spring to give the orld a goodharvest.

Please follo me. We are no at the "Hall of praying for ne year" in thecenter of the inner altar. It is located on a three story round stone platformtomb. It is a round hall ith triple eaves, 38 meters high and 30 meters indiameter. The three halls have dark blue glazed tiles, hich are reduced layerby layer and radiate in shape. The is croned ith a huge gilded . Thishall has great artistic value in architecture and modeling. The hite platformsymbolizes hite clouds, the dark blue ceiling symbolizes the sky, and thepillars, colored paintings and gilded ceiling symbolize the rosy clouds. All ofthese make a beautiful shape of blue sky and jade orld.

Tourists, look at this magnificent building in the south, the "round MoundAltar", hich is specially used to orship heaven on the inter solstice. Thecentral building is a huge round stone platform called "round mound". The totallength beteen the to altars is 360 meters, hich is higher than the groundcorridor. The Danbi bridge is connected to form a 1200 meter long north-southaxis of the temple of heaven, ith a large area of ancient Berlin on bothsides.

Through the corridor, e see the building is the "Zhai Palace" on the southside of the est gate. It is said to be the residence of the emperor duringfasting before praying. "Zhaigong" also got its name.

After listening to my introduction, you must ant to enjoy the beautifulscenery of the temple of heaven carefully, take photos and leave a message. Thefolloing time is for you, you have enough time to sim. One hour later, e arestill gathering here. I hope you ill observe the time and keep the gardenclean. See you later!


hello everyone.

I'm Liu Xueqi, the guide of the temple of heaven in Beijing. You can callme Liu. Today I ill acpany you on a tour of the temple of heaven inBeijing.

What e see no is the temple of heaven. The temple of heaven is the placehere the emperors of Ming and Qing Dynasties orship heaven and pray forharvest. It is also the largest existing temple in China. The temple of heavenis 1700 meters long from east to est and 1600 meters long from south to north.With a total area of 2.73 million square meters, there are outer altar all andinner altar all. The north side is round, and the south side is square,symbolizing "a round sky and a round place".

No please follo me inside. Here is the hall of praying for ne year. Itis 38.2 meters high and 24.2 meters in diameter. It faces south from the north.The hole hall is made of ood. Four golden dragons are carved in it,representing the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and inter. The restrepresent telve months and telve hours.

Further inside is the echo all, hich is made of polished bricks andcovered ith blue glass tiles. The echo all has a peculiar echo effect. Whenone person talks against the all and reaches the other end of one or tohundred meters, the other side can hear it clearly, hich can be called strangeand interesting, creating a mysterious atmosphere of "interaction beteen heavenand man". Let's have a try.

Please look at the outside of Huiyin all. It's a cypress over 500 yearsold. Because the texture of the trunk is very strange, it looks like ninedragons inding around and playing, so it's called Jiulong cypress. You can takea picture ith it.

Dear tourists, today's one-day tour of the temple of heaven in Beijing ising to an end. Do you have a good time? I hope I can be a tour guide for younext time.


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