
机器人培训 2022-12-18 09:16www.robotxin.com机器人培训




Dear tourists, ho are you? I'm your guide. You can call me Liu Dao. Whate're going to visit today is the temple of heaven, the place here the emperororshiped heaven.

Emperor Yongle of the Ming dynasty built the altar for heaven orship inthe south of Beijing, imitating the Great Hall of orship in Nanjing. The mainbuilding is the Great Hall of orship, hich is the location of today's Hall ofpraying for ne year. The temple of heaven has outer all and inner all. It isround in the north and square in the south.

No e are going south along the central axis of the temple of heaven. Whate are going to see is the Circular Mound Altar here the ancient emperorsoffered sacrifices to heaven. There are to enclosure alls in the round hill,hich make the outside square and the inside round, in line ith the statementthat the sky is round and the place is round. What needs to be mentioned inparticular is that the place here the emperor stood as the Tianxin stone inthe center of the mesa. He is one of the three acoustic phenomena in the templeof heaven. When reading aloud here, the voice is particularly loud, and no it'sthe same here. You tourists may as ell experience the strange effect, and likethe emperor of that year, tell God your good ishes.

As you may have noticed just no, there are many cypress trees in thetemple of heaven. Yes, it's like a natural oxygen bar in Beijing. Among theseancient cypresses, there is a cypress over 500 years old, hich is the ninedragon cypress outside the est all of echo all. Its trunk texture is verystrange, full of ravines, and tisted, like nine dragons inding around playing,so it is not too much to call it Jiulong cypress. Please don't climb trees. Payattention to your ords and deeds. This is a sacred place. We should keep aquiet mind,

After liberation, the temple of heaven has not only bee a famous touristattraction, but also an integral part of Beijing's urban green space. Not onlytourists e here, but also some elderly people ho are specially for physicalfitness.

Today's tour is over. I hope this tour can make you remember and leave adeep memory in your heart.

I hope you ill e again next time.


Hello, everyone! Today e are visiting the Forbidden City in Beijing. I'mShiyu, the tour guide. Just call me Xiaoshi. I hope I can give you the bestservice.

The Forbidden City, also knon as the Forbidden City, is the imperialpalace of Ming and Qing Dynasties in China. It is the largest and most pleteancient ooden structure building group in the orld. It began in the fourthyear of Yongle in the Ming Dynasty (1406 AD) and took 14 years to plete. Atotal of 24 emperors suessively ascended the throne and ruled China for morethan 500 years.

No in front of us is the magnificent ancient palace - the Forbidden City.You see, these four alls are palace alls, and there are tall gates on allsides of the palace alls. Wuu gate is in the south, Donghua gate is in theEast, and Xihua gate is in the West. The turrets of the four "Gates" of thepalace alls are unique in style and beautiful in shape. No, please e ithme to the Taihe hall, the largest palace in the Forbidden City. This is theplace here the emperors of Ming and Qing Dynasties summoned officials, issuedorders and held celebrations. There are 11 rooms in the hall, 5 rooms in depthand pillars outside. The inside and outside of the hall is 14 meters high, 63meters ide and 2377 square meters in area. It is the largest ooden hall inChina.

No e e to Zhonghe hall. Zhonghe hall is a place for the emperor toexercise etiquette on his ay to Taihe hall.

Baohe hall as the place here the emperor entertained the princes andnobles of foreign vassals and the military ministers in Beijing.

Let's take a look at Wenhua hall. It is the reading Office of the cronprince of the Ming Dynasty. Qianqingmen is the boundary beteen the imperialcourt and the imperial court, from hich the imperial court is located to thenorth. The palace of the Qing Dynasty as the place here the Ming and Qingemperors lived. Do you kno that the TV series huanzhu gege as shot by theForbidden City.

Well planned, magnificent and magnificent, this is the Forbidden City ofour country. No matter in the plane layout, the three-dimensional effect and theform of majestic, grand, solemn, harmonious all belong to inparablemasterpiece. It marks China's long cultural tradition and shos the outstandingachievements in architectural art more than 500 years ago.

Ladies and gentlemen, today's tour is ing to an end. I'm very happy tohave a onderful time ith you. If you are not satisfied ith my tour guidetoday, please correct me. Have a good time! Thank you.


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