
机器人培训 2022-12-18 09:16www.robotxin.com机器人培训




Over the past year, I have been dedicated to ork in a creative and loving ay, and have achieved some achievements. Hoever, there are also some problems and shortings, mainly in the folloing points:

1. Safety aspects

Safety management did not do bit, strength is not enough; safety training is not in place; check not in place. In many cases, due to the labor intensity of the staff is larger, more physical exertion, so the pletion of the day's output, do the ork of sorting the scene ignored the phenomenon, there are irregularities in the operation of the repeated repeated crushing aidents . No ant to e to these aidents, I have an inescapable responsibility. First: in the anization and management team in the process of daily safety training is not really so that every employee ill alays be safe production in mind; Second: in the security check did not do the hole process of tracking the entire inspection; Finally: in the event of an aident did not promptly Sum up lessons learned to avoid the recurrence of similar incidents. So that my staff suffered pain, so that the damage to the honor and interests of the orkshop I am very self-blame. To this end, I decided to ork in the future to strengthen the intensity of safety training and improve the form of training and strengthen the security team security responsibilities, so that each team staff are aare of the importance of safety in production, resulting in "everyone's attention to safety Production, everyone involved in production safety, "a good atmosphere.

2. Quality control aspects

Quality is produced, rather than check out, that is to say about total quality management, in aordance ith the objectives and requirements to seriously do a good job in every aspect, every process.At the same time quality inspection is very important, especially in the production process of quality inspection can effectively avoid the ourrence of quality aidents and quality problems, after the event for the prevention and control in advance, change from passive to active.Although the pany from to bottom are beginning to pay attention to quality, but in practice there are still many problems, especially beteen the team, for example, in the eaving process there are many areas to be improved. To solve these problems is not a team can do a good job, hich requires a number of relevant team ork together, I think in order to do a good job of quality, e must grasp the "strict, fine, real" principle, to strict management, Careful and meticulous, pay close attention to implementation.

3. Team management

Although the management level of the team has been improved in the past year, there are still some problems, such as: the standardized ork situation of the staff to be improved, the technical level of the staff to be improved, the enthusiasm of the staff has not been fully mobilized Wait.No high-level management, there is no high-quality staff, there is no high-quality products. Therefore, I ill focus on the future ork to improve the overall quality of the team and staff issues, make full use of spare time, and more arrangements for some of the knoledge of the standardization of training, strive for a shorter period of time so that the overall quality of staff has a larger Promotion.

Future efforts

The ne year represents a ne beginning, ne opportunities and ne challenges. I ill redouble their efforts to seriously improve the business, the level of ork for the pany and orkshop development, contribute their on strength.

I am determined to do the folloing in the folloing year:

1. Strengthen learning, broaden the knoledge. Strive to study stamping expertise and related management knoledge;

2. In the principle of seeking truth from facts, so the situation issued, the next situation reported; really good leadership of the assistant;

3. Strengthen munication and cooperation ith the orkshop brothers and team, to the advanced team to learn, strengthen management, and strive to make the team to form a solid, hard ork and good atmosphere;

4. Fully pleted the orkshop to the various tasks for the orkshop to bring out a tough fight, hard-orking team.

Finally, I hope the pany leadership in the future ork, as alays, support me, I ill be more outstanding performance of the pany's return on the leadership of care and love, because I ill alays ork!Thank you!


Time flies, ____ years have been quietly aay from us, looking back over the past year, the heart can not help but be filled ith emotion. Over the past year, the pany leadership and colleagues in the support and help, I am strict demands on themselves, in aordance ith the requirements of the pany and the orkshop, to better plete their on ork, and through efforts to make their on ork in the ne modelOf the breakthrough, the ork has been greatly improved. The ork in 2013 is summarized as follos:

First, the main ork done

1. Workshop construction and management have been strengthened

Because I did not ork for a long time, because of the chaotic management of the orkshop, so in the orkshop there are many problems to be solved. In order to solve these problems, I propose to take measures to regulate the implementation of positive incentive system in 2014. For the better performance of the team to give employees plus assessment points, and for the poor performance of the staff are determined to deduct a certain assessment points. Take this reards and punishments, fair and impartial assessment methods, I believe that the implementation of team staff ill be greatly improved and ill improve the team cohesion.

2. Pay close attention to safety management

After finishing the relative to the pany's other orkshops for more security risks, more prone to aidents, in the past 2013, there have been several ork-related aidents, these aidents have been to the pany and the orkshop losses. "Fool ith blood for the lesson, the ise use of lessons to avoid aidents", although the poer is not great, but shoulders the hole class of more than a dozen employees of the important task of life safety. Therefore, for security ork I have never relaxed, Yueyue Jiang, every day.

3. To ensure product quality

With the expansion of the pany's size and visibility of the increasing customer Xinhui the quality requirements are also getting higher and higher, so the pany's high-level attention to product quality has also been referred to an unprecedented level. Xinhui as a hole the last pass, after finishing the responsibility to shoulder more and more. I kno that as a orkshop monitor, their ork directly affect the quality of the ork of the orkshop. For the pany's responsibility, I have been in quality control has been lax, and colleagues in a timely manner and timely munication and exchange of information, for the production process problems, defects never easily let go. At the same time to strengthen the importance of the quality of staff aareness, require everyone to do a good job self-inspection and mutual inspection ork to ensure that a problem from the class into the market.

4. Actively participate in shop improvement activities

After finishing the orkshop is like a big family, I live and ork in this arm family every day, as a member of this family I think I have the obligation and responsibility to build her better harmony. Therefore, over the past year, I plot and orkshop improvement activities, and mobilize the enthusiasm of team members, the use of collective isdom of the orkshop made a lot of valuable improvements.

5. Strengthen their on learning, improve the business level

Because of the heavy burden of their on body, and their knoledge, ability and experience ith a good petent monitor have a certain distance, so the total can not be taken lightly, has been learning, learning to the books, learning to the surrounding leaders, To learn from colleagues, and actively improve the quality of their business, and strive to improve ork efficiency and quality of ork, for ork initiative.Through this year's efforts to feel that they still have some progress, be able to calmly deal ith the daily ork of the various problems, in the anization and management capacity, prehensive analysis, coordination and riting skills and verbal ability, etc. A great improvement to ensure that the ork of the normal operation of the post, to the right attitude toards the various tasks, ith a strong professionalism, sense of responsibility.


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