
机器人培训 2022-12-18 09:16www.robotxin.com机器人培训




Fello friends everybody is good, ele to lotus buddhist - the jiuhuamountain tourism, I'm anhui travel guide, ang ping, you can call me xiao angor Wang Dao, as sitting beside the driver u teacher, he has many years ofdriving experience, you can feel free in his car. In the next fe days ill haveour service for everyone. We met just like my name, "elded" is also a kind ofpredestination. We ill do our best to bring you the best service, hope you havea happy journey of jiuhua mountain, and no I ant to introduce you to the firstan overvie of our jiuhua mountain:

Jiuhua mountain is located in the territory, county in anhui is our countrykey scenic spot, national 5 a grade scenic spot, ith shanxi utai mountain,mount emei of sichuan province, zhejiang mount putuo and said the four famousbuddhist mountains in China. Wutai mountain is manjusri bodhisattva, emeisamantabhadra bodhisattva dojo, mount putuo is the dojo guanyin bodhisattva, ande are the jiuhua mountain like ksitigarbha bodhisattva dojo. Jiuhua mountainoriginally called nine mountain, because jiuhua greatly small 99 peaks, ninepeaks particularly prominent, so called nine mountain, later it by Li Bailaijiuhua mountain, see stack jade green peaks, rote "miao have to gas, lingshanjiu hua" of verse, then people ill be nine mountain renamed the jiuhuamountain. In the tang dynasty kaiyuan years, ghost kingdom prince Jin Qiao sleepin our jiuhua practice, finally died at the age of 99. The Buddhism thought hisasceticism and passed aay the flesh and the records in the buddhist scriptureshave similar like ksitigarbha bodhisattva, so I think he is the embodiment oflike ksitigarbha bodhisattva, buddhists call him a heart of gold. The jiuhuamountain and therefore is regarded as like ksitigarbha bodhisattva dojo. Nohave the temple more than 90, monks, more than 600 people, is a characteristicand has important influence on buddhist shrine. Says the us has arrived, e areno ready to get off, please take your belongings and don't put your valuablesin the car, ait a moment e ill close the car doors and Windos for us masteru, also please remember our bus license plate number, color, and parkingspot.

To the holy land of Buddhism, of course, to feel the Buddha of dust, so,today e'll begin ith this temple street nine China most scenic area, enter thejiu hua street scenic area, is a cross lane. He is carved from marble, 9 metershigh, please look up the banners on the engraved ith the "nine degrees have"four characters, but the emperor kangxi hand! Through the door, eledeveryone to see is belo the fairy bridge, the bridge is built in the qianlongyears, everybody ith me on this ancient bridge, e together into theonderland!

You see, across the bridge facing us is the temple of gion. He is a keynational temple, is the only a palatial jiuhua mountain temple, the scale is oneof the biggest in jiuhua mountain four big jungle. It consists of the gate, thegreat hall, Ursa major, the guest room, lecture hall and the scripture-storeddozen monomer building position and so on. Dear visitors please pay attentionto look at the entrance, you have found it deviated from the centerline of thehall? Do you kno hy? Because ah! Slanting gate is to have cultured, it to ardoff evil spirits, and secondly is the door toard the mountain temple citytemple. Before entering the temple, e should pay attention to the folloingpoints: one is in hen it entered the temple of one foot across the threshold,the threshold of the temple is the Buddha's shoulder, you must not be trampledon, the second is not to talk loudly in it or to bring to temple in the orld ofmortals joke, 3 it is please do not touch the monks at random.

Here you go ith me into the gion temple appreciate its unique charm! Ourposition is great no, on the opposite side of the hall, to the four major Kingsstatues. They are a pop singer, south groth, east est ide eyes pop, northernbook pop, folk, also knon as four major Kings, good crop is Buddhism guardiandeity. Look at the center of the hall, here to the smile Mimi is maitreya, thebehind the maitreya, is bodhisattva ei tuo, he is guarding the Buddha godill.

Also good, fello tourists friends please follo tight ang, atch yourstep, from the great hall to go outside, just came to the Ursa major. Here tothe three Buddha is 12 meters in height, is in the middle of the Buddha, bothsides respectively is amitabha and medicine Buddha, and on both sides of thehall, as most of you have guessed, right! For setting the 18 arhats statue. Yougo back ith me again, the back hall, honours is manjusri, samantabhadrabodhisattva's statue. The "island of guanyin" large-scale three-dimensionalrelief, the carving is behind the sakyamuni Buddha, this is a picture of aconcentrated Chinese buddhist bodhisattvas map.

Please keep up ith the good, behind friends, folloed by our team, out ofthe temple of gion, e came to the city temple, temple is the jiuhua mountaintemple city. You can see into a temple there is a stone outside platform,platform ith empress toer ith a ell, because hen the cultural revolutiondestroyed, no only a stylobate, reportedly Jin Qiao sleep at that time in theside, very very miss him, his mother ran to look for him, because the thoughtsof love, she cried for three days and three nights, the cry blind, Jin Qiaosleep he ill use this ell help her to ash eyes, his mother ill see later. Sothis ell knon as knon as bright eye springs, later generations to memoratehis mother nearby toer built empress. You follo me into the temple to visitthe city, look at the stone lion, legend has it that this is a relic of tang andsong dynasty era, because of long time, has been unable to identify theoriginal. We alked up next to the stone steps, and no e are dedicated to likeksitigarbha bodhisattva stands resemble the Ursa major. You carefully look atthe figure of Buddha, loered his hands, palms outard, can satisfy the desireof all beings.

We call it to print. Wang told everyone an unritten custom, no to thejiuhua mountain if you ant to burn incense, course as long as is the main 3temple orship, into a temple, halls of the flesh, tiantai temple. No e are inthe halls of the flesh, please look at the ords on the board: month halls ofthe body! Why call on body halls? Because the previous month and meat areinterlinked, so no many people describe body ans ords next to the ord illhave a month. Halls of the building has distinguishing feature very flesh, thetemple toer, toer have stone, stone here is gold hid in the flesh, the lunarJuly 30 is his birthday, and he died, on the day of the day there ill bethousands and thousands of people to orship. Entered the halls of the physicalbody you can see the door head hanging like ksitigarbha bodhisattva vos: aspeople all parties bodhi. Hell is not empty. Don't bee Buddha. So likeksitigarbha bodhisattva, knon as the great bodhisattvas. Believe there aregreat bodhisattva bless, you ill be good is alays in the future.

We ill go to the century palace, for the next hundred years old palace asbuilt in the Ming dynasty, dedicated to the monk's body. This legend to themonk, main edible yello fine. Salvia miltiorrhiza and other ild plants, andthorns tongue blood mixed poders copying a buddhist scriptures, ith more than20 years to finish copy books, died 110 years. At the age of the temple, palaceflesh can see to the monks of the gold body of Buddha, ore a capuchin, Khmer,sits a lotus, enjoy all family. Jiuhua mountain has found 14 ith flesh, andstay around for hundreds of years old, may be a vegetarian for a long time iththem, parinirvana less ater in the body, hen death porcelain jar sealing andother factors. Behind please keep up ith friends, then e ill go to tiantaiscenic spot, as the saying goes, "not ShangTianTai, equal to did not e,"explain the jiuhuang scenic spot in tiantai. Tiantai peak is the jiuhuamountain, 1300 meters above sea level. Standing on the tiantai peak can see apanoramic vie of jiu hua street, tiantai guanyin rock scenic area's mainattraction. Dapeng rocks such as listening to the stone, and gold hid in the hidin the hole, just to the jiuhua practice ith signs the ancient orship of theunits like ksitigarbha bodhisattva, preaching of tiantai temple main places likeksitigarbha bodhisattva, okay, let's take a cable car to tiantai scenic spot'sgo!


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