
机器人培训 2022-12-18 09:16www.robotxin.com机器人培训




Under the leadership of the teacher e lined up into the Shaanxi flames limited liability pany's production orkshop, after the relevant person in charge of the distribution I and the other four students ere assigned to the bakelite orkshop.

Into the orkshop, the master of the orkers on the performance of our very happy, enthusiastic greeting me, as far as possible to me to introduce me to do the ork, I just came in a sense of tension sept aay. In the orkers under the master's explanation e understand the next eek's ork content. And found that e seem to be doing a great cause, because e processed the antenna is to be installed in the tank above. And many of these antennas are sold abroad. The thought of their use of the antenna in some of their on to do, and my heart can not say proud.

The antenna body has four sections, connected to one from the lo to high diameter in turn, from the bottom to the in turn; a connecting base, 2 ith a fixed rope, fixed rope and a metal, is used to connect the antenna , The main package a total of 7 positions, 7 aessories can be loaded into, and then a line of the rope, the antenna package folded up.easy to carry.

Our ork that trouble to not trouble, but need to have enough patience.The first is to use a small blade to a hite plastic end of a dust removal.Because the blade is very hand the school is very difficult to take, a long time, the hand ill be blisters, even though e have to clean up, or inevitable, but the thought of these orkers uncle for decades to do the job, admiration Feeling arises spontaneously. They are for the motherland of tomorro, not afraid of suffering, then e have nothing to fear.

The second task is to remove the antenna under the core, there is the fiberglass shell to the gelatinization treatment, it seems simple, it is not true, because the plastic outside the plastic film is very hard, aidentally cut Finger, the master of the orkers in the explanation, e found a small hand does not cut the hand tips. The third task is the casing, in order to prevent the antenna interference, ill use the plastic tube to isolate the antenna.

The fourth ork has a good name to listen to this is a high-tech live, in a one-meter-long plastic tube earing a thin copper ire is only 0.3 mm.Really is not an easy thing, even more depressing is that sometimes hen you ear to the end of the moment, just so bad 2 cm, just can not pass, and my heart that hate Egypt do not kno ho invented the antenna practice, although plaining There are still, but e still learn to make fun of, e five people started the game, to see ho ear the fast and. In this ay the ork as also very easy to solve. We summed up the truth - do not just have the patience to do this, there is another condition, that is luck, good luck, smooth. Bad luck, then move.

The fifth task is elding, this elding is different from the radio elding, it is the soldering iron fixed, mobile ponents to plete the elding. As the temperature is high, it requires us to fast, aurate, and requires a beautiful eldment.

The sixth task is to insulate small transformers ith insulating varnishes.This ork is the most easy to plete. Is the best learning.

The seventh job is the mat, although good to do, but need a little effort.Because there are many ponents ill not affect the role of the antenna, so even if the production is not very qualified, in order not to aste, ill continue to use. This requires a little more effort.

The eighth task is to tie the line, it sounds very easy to do it is not simple. The reason is not only to tie, but also tied labor, so as not to tamper ith the antenna in the glass tank. Worker master taught us to tie the method, the beginning of the tie is very akard, tied the number of more, even find ork is the door to fun.

Week internship is the deepest feelings of some of the Fiberhome Group of dedicated orkers. Here the orkers are very amiable and friendly people, often some humorous ords to our ork to add fun. The most touching is that hen e can not personally participate in the Olympic torch relay, they play radio for us so that e hear the hole process of tracking the torch relay.

The rapid development of modern science and technology era, the types of high-tech products more and more, production technology and production processes are also different. But no matter hat kind of products, from ra materials to produce products are processed to follo certain production principles, through a number of major equipment and process to plete. And never try to use machines instead of manual, no matter ho fast the machine can not replace human labor. And this is not only labor, or passion to pass.


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