
机器人培训 2022-12-18 09:16www.robotxin.com机器人培训




I ent to Boen for nearly a year, as a university teacher, teachers of the teachers and teachers have a higher level of understanding. The folloing from a fe aspects to talk about their on understanding of the morality of teachers:

First, ideological understanding

First of all, the characteristics of college teachers, pared to secondary school teachers, college teachers is notable features: the cause of education and teaching in the process of vigorous development, to maximize the self-orth, the pursuit of autonomy, individuality, diversity and innovation . Second, the object of education - the characteristics of college students, the main task of college students is still learning. Hoever, university study has its particularity. First, the professional characteristics. University is to train high-level specialized talents, so students have a certain degree of professional direction.Second, the autonomy characteristics. College students in the learning process, subjective initiative increased, changing the secondary school teachers and textbooks on the dependence of psychology. Learning autonomy is also manifested in the multi-channel nature of learning, hich can be enriched and developed through various channels and avenues such as academic reports, lectures, seminars, social surveys, etc., provided by the school. On knoledge and ability. Third, the practical characteristics. This is to say that college students in the classroom, the book to learn the basic knoledge and basic theory, to participate in some practical aspects to be consolidated, the groth of some books to learn less than the knoledge and skills. Fourth, the creative characteristics. This refers to creative aareness and creativity in the learning process. This is the characteristics of university students and university education, the characteristics of the decision.

Second, teaching ork

For the education and teaching ork, I alays strict demands on themselves, adhere to the theory of learning education and teaching, conscientiously study the relevant business knoledge. I alays maintain a strict and serious ork attitude and meticulous ork style, ork diligently, hard orking, simple and plain in style, pragmatic and truth-seeking, and seriously plete the leadership and departments at all levels to the various tasks. Every last lesson, I am fully prepared, my belief is never unprepared battle. In the preparation process, careful analysis of teaching materials, understand the materials, and actively explore teaching ideas, some advanced teaching theory, scientific teaching methods and advanced teaching methods used in mathematics classroom teaching, and strive to cultivate students' cooperation and exchanges. In the teaching process, adhere to the development of students ith a vision, people-oriented. In addition, good teaching ork, I also pay attention to the aumulation of teaching experience, ith the experience to rite don in time to municate ith colleagues. In every finished class, I ill carry out after-school teaching reflection to constantly urge their on progress. Fourth, there are problems

First of all, my induction time is not long, lack of ork experience, lack of management of students, hich is not a serious aspect of student learning. Secondly, due to time reasons, ith the students in addition to the time outside the class is very small. Leading to students' learning and life are not very understanding.

Fifth, the direction of rectification

I kno that high school as a teacher, Germany as a model. Teachers' morality is the most important quality of teachers. Strengthening the construction of teachers 'morality is the most important content of the construction of teachers'. From the ideological action to improve their sense of responsibility, strengthen the management of students. More munication ith students. For teaching ork to open a ne situation, bear ne results.


As a teacher, I seriously participate in the school anization of political learning, loyal to the people's education, to ply ith "primary and secondary school teachers professional ethics", love and respect their jobs, caring and helpful. Work hard, prepare every lesson, Shanghao every class, approved each good job, education, good for each student, and strive to do a student by the teachers of respect and trust.

First, to be a learning teacher

The teaching of the teacher's day, it is re-learning time. I can seriously study the theory of education and teaching, and actively engaged in teaching and research ork, boldly modern educational technology and mathematics teaching integration of educational reform attempt. In each finished a text, I ill rite don their on reflection, to constantly urge their on progress. After ork, I try to enrich their literary content.

Second, to be a caring teacher

Love students, e must be good at entering the student's emotional orld, e must treat students as friends, to feel their emotions. Love students, to respect and rely on the premise, do do Yan in love, Yan Zhongyou Zhang, Yan Zhongxin, Yan in degrees.

Third, do a ne concept of teachers

At present, a ne round of basic education reform has been fully open, in earnest to learn the ne curriculum concept, based on the bination of their on teaching disciplines, and actively explore effective teaching methods. In the language class, I put the language knoledge and student life bined, for students to create a rich atmosphere of life learning environment, hile focusing on student inquiry found that students learn to learn in the cooperation and exchange, improve learning ability. So that the source of knoledge of students not only teachers, more from the understanding of books and peer munication, to promote learning in learning to learn.

Fourth, to do an information age teachers

I can puter and ork as a ne teaching tool, active integration of information technology and teaching reform attempts.

In peacetime ork, I can be friendly and co-orkers, small talk about style, big things about the principle. "Three lines must have my teacher", and actively to each teacher to learn, and strive to form their on teaching style.

In the future I ill ork to avoid eaknesses, strive for further suess!


Teacher ethics, since ancient times is "teaching and educating people as teachers." But "educating people" ith the development of the times, continue to have ne content, and no our socialist countries is to cultivate "ideals, morality, culture, discipline," the four ne. Asked the teacher has a certain political quality, ideological quality, professional quality. Which in business quality, in order to give children to create a good educational environment, requiring teachers to master modern teaching techniques. Teachers should be injected into the ne meaning of the ind ne:

First, the vision and thinking can not just focus on children no, to "education for modernization, the orld, facing the future"; Second, the past can not use the social ideology to educate students; third, in the education process , To develop a ide range of children's intelligence, aording to the specific circumstances of the child's teaching specific.

As a teacher, only to constantly update their knoledge, and constantly improve their on quality, and constantly improve themselves, to teach students. If their on loose, ho can e ask students to seriously. To improve our on quality, this requires our young teachers to listen to the various vies of students, and to the old teachers continue to learn, their continuous learning, active learning, and constantly open up ne teachings.

Teachers' ords and deeds have a subtle influence on students' thinking, behavior and quality. Teachers' ords and deeds are all like students' imitation. This ill bring a lifelong influence to students' groth. Therefore, teachers must alays make a good example for the students, here students are required to do, their first to do so. Adhere to strict self-discipline.

Through the focus of the study, in the future ork, I ant to improve their ideological responsibility to ork, establish all the ideas for the students.Improve their spirit of deliberation, do not die, to dare to play ith all the difficulties to fight the ideas and style. Assiduously study the business knoledge, so that the political business to perfect.


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