
机器人培训 2022-12-18 09:16www.robotxin.com机器人培训




  Xxxx years I engaged in the management of technical quality, the job for me is a ne starting point for the ork.Technical management position is the construction of the project's prehensive technical quality management and ensure the effective operation of quality system. It includes the folloing ork: anization and implementation of national, regional and sector technical quality of the las and regulations, standards, documents; responsible for the project's technical quality management; learn from the industry's advanced construction methods or on unique construction methods in the Promote the implementation of the enterprise, and constantly improve the construction methods and improve the management level;

  Aording to the status quo and long-term development planning to do a good job of technical training.Therefore, I have done the folloing ork in this department: The management of technology management has implemented Kanban management.Implementation of Kanban management is an important measure of our pany's management. Through the implementation of kanban management, e have opened up the distribution level, hich fully embodies the principles of distribution of labor aording to ork and the principle of "no labor is less." In the implementation process, aording to the kanban management related implementation plan and the stipulation, aording to the general procedure to the team and the operation group issued the task book, the task book clearly stipulated the construction request, to receive the material, the material construction procedure and the piece ork day, Check the pletion of the task book to verify the piece rate. During the period, the supply department, technical management departments and other relevant personnel to cooperate ith each other, to ensure that the project on schedule, high-quality, safe pletion.

  I have a solid foundation in technical management for many years, the system is sound, but I think the technical force for the younger phenomenon, in particular, should strengthen the construction program targeted and operability and construction summary of scientific and practical. For each project e construct, I summarize the plete construction features, procedures and methods. As a technical aumulation, if necessary, sorted out by the same kind of system data. Can guide the construction of the future, but also for the tender to provide basic information. In the preparation of the program at the end e have issued a method of operating instructions issued in order to sort out a set of practical data for the pletion of chemical refining system for the preparation of instructions for the nely joined technicians to plete the pletion of the information provided on the convenience.

  As a technical quality management staff, in the future I ill be 100 times the enthusiasm to meet ne challenges, continue to improve the technological development system and strengthen the ability of technological innovation, the formation of high, large, refined, sharp as the core petitiveness of theTechnical differences and petitive advantages, and gradually establish a plete and efficient technology development system, the formation of the project unified technical management, implementation of the classification, the goal of assessment, mutual support, resource sharing technology management system.


  Xxx years in July graduated from ork, I have from a naive student gradually gro into a qualified technical staff, after several years of on-site practical ork, I have summed up a suit of their on procedures. Over the past fe years I have been engaged in mechanical turning, milling, CNC lathe. No is engaged in: the fixture set, CAD draings, machining process scheduling and orkshop director.

  In the project I as responsible for technical management, ork has been conscientious and meticulous ork, has been pursuing scientific management, strict construction quality requirements to ensure that the construction of a check pass rate of 100%. In the management ork, I strengthen the quality management, cost management, schedule management, security management.

  In quality management, I put the quality of life-long responsibility system to strengthen the management, a clear responsibility to strengthen the responsibility of the management card as the focus of the construction process, thus ensuring the quality of the construction process qualified, hile increasing the quality of day-to-day management, To the process failure shall not be carried out under the procedures of construction, to ensure that every process control. At the same time to strengthen the construction of pre-construction technical disclosure, the preparation and implementation of the program supervision. Work in the strict implementation of various standards, to strengthen the process of quality control, the implementation of quality age system, high quality and petitive prices, to create a quality project has played a catalytic role.

  In the cost management, in the construction cost to do a good job before the forecast, the construction cost management in the implementation of dynamic monitoring and management, so that the project cost has alays been orderly and controllable management system to run. In the actual construction, it is forbidden to carry out large-scale reork in the field, rationally use materials, make use of old materials and aste materials, and minimize the project input. Meanhile, strengthen the management of machinery, regularly inspect and do ell maintenance and improve the prehensive utilization rate. run.

  In order to ensure that the control point construction task is pleted on time, I carefully anize, do a good job of construction preparation, the implementation of the eekly plan, the implementation of the project plan for the project management, Management, to the Japanese security eek, to Zhoubao month. Reasonable division of the construction phase, the use of parallel flo construction method. Strengthen the safety management on the construction site for a long time, on-site construction environment is responsible for the characteristics of frequent intertined operations to strengthen the construction site safety management, and strengthen employee self-protection aareness, insist on safety ork in the first place, strengthen the safety , Fire education, and establish the safety of all people, and everyone to implement the provisions of fire safety, so that every day about security, and every day to implement security, check every day security. Years of on-site ork I have been a positive attitude to play to their strengths, and actively ork. 2002 Petrochemical Company in Dalian, a distillation expansion project proposed rationalization proposals for the project to save money 200,000 yuan, not only reduces the difficulty of construction and improve the efficiency of construction, in the tight schedule, the task of large, difficult operating conditions Reasonable division of the construction phase to ensure the quality of the construction in advance to plete the creation of good conditions, on the Party, the Commissioner and many other leaders of the highly praised. I have been involved in the ork of the main ork, but I engaged in or involved in other ork there are many: If the project has been involved in a number of tender ork, project management and other pre-settlement. In all my ork, can be responsible, positive thinking, and constantly learn ne knoledge, prehensive and final consideration of the project construction, the suessful pletion of the leadership to the various tasks. Over the years I as named the pany's ten young people, outstanding staff, riting papers, rationalization proposals, construction technology program has been rated as outstanding orks.

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