直击欧陆 - 埃夫特即将亮相意大利国际工业展览会 MecSpe 2024
As technology continues to advance, the global manufacturing industry is experiencing unprecedented changes. MecSpe 2024 will focus on the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry, as well as high-quality development, providing participants with a forward-looking perspective and solutions. Attendees will have the opportunity to personally experience the profound impact of innovation and sustainable development on their company's future. These changes are not just about technological advancements but also about reconstructing business philosophies and strategic shifts in the manufacturing industry towards digitalization and intelligence. MecSpe 2024 will be a witness to this transformation, documenting how new growth curves are created in the fierce market competition.
On March 6th, 2024, the 22nd edition of MecSpe, Italy's International Industrial Exhibition, will kick off in Bologna. As a leading indicator of European manufacturing trends, MecSpe 2024 will draw global industry leaders and experts to discuss global manufacturing development and explore the future of the manufacturing market.随着科技的持续发展和进步,全球制造业正在经历百年未有的革命。MecSpe 2024将聚焦于制造业的转型、升级和高质量发展,为参与企业提供前瞻性的视角和解决方案。参会企业将有机会亲身体验创新和可持续发展对未来发展的深远影响。这些革命不仅仅是技术升级,更是商业文化的重建,以及制造业从传统模式向数字化和智能化方向的战略转型。MecSpe 2024将成为这一变革的见证者,记录如何在激烈的市场竞争中创造新的增长曲线。
在2023年3月,埃夫特携手其欧洲战略合作伙伴,亮相了法国国际工业展GLOBAL INDUSTRIE 2023以及意大利国际工业展览会MecSpe 2023。这一举动进一步提升了埃夫特机器人在欧洲的品牌知名度,为其在欧洲建立了更完善的服务战略合作伙伴销售网络。埃夫特还在欧洲多个细分行业落地了示范应用和推广应用,这无疑增强了其在欧洲市场的声誉和影响力。埃夫特机器人的卓越性能和应用广泛性得到了广泛认可,进一步加深了其在欧洲市场的地位。在2023年的GLOBAL INDUSTRIE展会上,EFORT联手欧洲战略合作伙伴,在里昂法国的舞台上大放异彩,同时在意大利博洛尼亚的MecSpe 2023展会上展示了强大的实力。这不仅提升了EFORT在欧洲的品牌知名度,还为战略合作伙伴构建了更完善的销售网络,更好地服务于欧洲市场。EFORT还在欧洲各细分行业进行了参考演示和应用推广,进一步提升了EFORT机器人品牌在欧洲的声誉和受欢迎程度。
在即将到来的MecSpe 2024展会上,埃夫特将带着更丰富的产品线和解决方案亮相。携手两家欧洲子公司CMA Robotics、EFORT Systems以及四家战略合作伙伴,埃夫特将展示喷涂和弧焊两大战略应用为代表的解决方案,充分展现其在欧洲市场的差异化战略。
喷涂机器人和焊接机器人是埃夫特的明星产品,凭借公司自主研发的VR喷涂解决方案、智能焊接解决方案等智能化技术,这些机器人产品将更加出色。埃夫特致力于解决喷涂机器人、焊接机器人使用难度大的问题,让它们更加友好、易用、经济高效。公司的目标是在欧洲市场上,让每一个工厂都能使用到机器人,让每个人都能轻松操作机器人。埃夫特始终致力于推动欧洲工厂的自动化和智能化进程。在MecSpe 2024展览中,EFORT联合两大欧洲子公司CMA Robotics和EFORT Systems以及四位战略合作伙伴,向终端用户展示了多款应用于不同领域的多样化解决方案。其中,喷涂和电弧焊接两大战略应用领域的展示,体现了EFORT在欧洲市场的差异化策略。喷涂机器人和焊接机器人是EFORT的旗舰产品,凭借VR自我教学解决方案和智能焊接解决方案等智能技术,这些机器人更加用户友好、经济实惠、易于操作。我们致力于让欧洲的每个工厂都能享受到机器人技术的便利,让每位工厂人员都能掌握机器人的操作技巧,并助力欧洲工厂实现机器人技术的轻松应用。
In the MecSpe 2024 exhibition, EFORT, along with two European subsidiaries CMA Robotics and EFORT Systems as well as four strategic partners, presented a diverse range of solutions to end users across various applications. The showcase of two strategic applications, painting and arc welding, reflected EFORT's differentiated strategy in the European market. Both painting robots and welding robots are EFORT's flagship products, equipped with intelligent technologies such as VR self-teaching solutions and smart welding solutions, giving them an edge with features like user-friendliness, cost-effectiveness, and ease of use. Our commitment is to make robot technology accessible to every factory in Europe, equip everyone with the knowledge of robot operation, and make it easy for European factories to adopt robot technology.
Moreover, EFORT's painting robot and welding robot have successfully passed the European CE certification. The painting robot has also acquired double explosion-proof certification from Atex in Europe and PCEC in China, meeting the stringent safety and application standards for industrial robots in the European market. With subsidiaries in European countries such as Italy, France, Germany, and Poland, as well as a sales network of strategic partners in the European market, we are committed to better serving final customers in the European market. We believe that our products and services will continuously enhance the production efficiency and competitiveness of European factories.
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