博世已经建立起使用人工智能的伦理 “红线”,公司于日前发布在智能产品中使用人工智能技术的指导方针《AI道德准则》,其原则是必须保留人类对人工智能所做决策的控制权。
Bosch has established ethical “red lines” for the use of artificial intelligence (AI)。 The pany has no issued guidelines governing the use of AI in its intelligent products。 Boschs AI code of ethics is based on the folloing maxim: Humans should be the ultimate arbiter of any AI-based decisions。
“Artificial intelligence should serve people。 Our AI code of ethics provides our associates ith clear guidance regarding the development of intelligent products。 Our goal is that people should trust our AI-based products。” Bosch CEO Volkmar Denner said。
AI is a technology of vital importance for Bosch。 By 2025, the aim is for all Bosch products to either contain AI or have been developed or manufactured ith its help。
The pany ants its AI-based products to be safe, robust, and explainable。
“If AI is a black box, then people ont trust it。 In a connected orld, hoever, trust ill be essential,” said Michael Bolle, the Bosch CDO and CTO。
Bosch is aiming to produce AI-based products that are trustorthy。 The code of ethics is based on Boschs “Invented for life” ethos, hich bines a quest for innovation ith a sense of social responsibility。
Over the next to years, Bosch plans to train 20,000 of its associates in the use of AI。 Boschs AI code of ethics governing the responsible use of this technology ill be part of this training program。
AI offers major potential
Artificial intelligence is a global engine of progress and groth。 The management consultants PC, for example, project that beteen no and 2030, AI ill boost GDP in China by 26 percent, by 14 percent in North America, and by around 10 percent in Europe。
This technology can help overe challenges such as the need for climate action and optimize outes in a host of areas such as transportation, medicine, and agriculture。
By analyzing huge volumes of data, algorithms are able to reason and make decisions。
Well in advance of the introduction of binding EU standards, Bosch has therefore taken the decision to actively engage ith the ethical questions that the use of this technology raises。 The moral foundation for this process is provided by the values enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights。
Humans should retain control
Boschs AI code of ethics stipulates that artificial intelligence should not make any decisions about humans ithout this process being subject to some form of human oversight。
Instead, artificial intelligence should serve people as a tool。
Three possible approaches are described。 All have the folloing in mon: in AI-based products developed by Bosch, humans should retain control over any decisions the technology makes。
In the first approach (human-in-mand), artificial intelligence is purely an aid。
For example, in decision-supporting applications, here AI can help people classify items such as objects or anisms。
In the second approach (human-in-the-loop), an intelligent system autonomously makes decisions that humans can, hoever, override at any time。
Examples of this include partially automated driving, here the human driver can directly intervene in the decisions of, say, a parking assistance system。
The third approach (human-on-the-loop) concerns intelligent technology such as emergency paking systems。
Here, engineers define certain parameters during the development process。 Here, there is no scope for human intervention in the decision-making process itself。 The parameters provide the basis on hich AI decides hether to activate the system or not。
Engineers retrospectively test hether the system has remained ithin the defined parameters。 If necessary, these parameters can be adjusted。
Building trust together
Bosch also hopes its AI code of ethics ill contribute to public debate on artificial intelligence。
“AI ill change every aspect of our lives,” Denner said。 “For this reason, such a debate is vital。”
It ill take more than just technical kno-ho to establish trust in intelligent systems there is also a need for close dialogue among policymakers, the scientific munity, and the general public。
This is hy Bosch has signed up to the High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence, a body appointed by the European Commission to examine issues such as the ethical dimension of AI。
In a global ork currently prising seven locations, and in collaboration ith the University of Amsterdam and Carnegie Mellon University (Pittsburgh, USA), Bosch is orking to develop AI applications that are safer and more trustorthy。
作为巴登符腾堡州“Cyber Valley”研究联盟的创始成员之一,博世将投资1亿欧元用于建设人工智能园区。
Similarly, as a founding member of the Cyber Valley research alliance in Baden-Württemberg, Bosch is investing 100 million euros in the construction of an AI campus。
Where 700 of its on experts ill soon be orking side by side ith external researchers and startup associates。 “Our shared objective is to make the inter of things safe and trustorthy,” Bolle said。
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