
机器人培训 2022-12-18 09:16www.robotxin.com机器人培训




Jiuhua Mountain is one of the four famous Buddhist mountains in China andone of the first batch of national key scenic spots. It is one of the threemajor mountain systems (Huangshan, Jiuhua, Tianmu and Baiji) in southern Anhui.Located in the southeast of Chizhou City, Anhui Province, it faces TianzhuMountain across the Yangtze River in the northest and Taiping Lake andHuangshan Mountain in the southeast. It is the main entrance and scenic area inthe north of the golden tourist area of "to mountains and one lake" (Huangshan,Jiuhua Mountain and Taiping Lake) in Anhui Province. The scenic area covers anarea of 120 square kilometers and the protection area is 174 square kilometers.The geographical coordinates of Jiuhua Street are 117 ° 8 ′ E and 30 ° 5 ′ n.No it is a national AAAA tourist area and a demonstration site of nationalpolite scenic tourist area, knon as an International Buddhist Taoist temple

1. Picturesque scenery and famous mountains

Jiuhua Mountain is famous for its onderful natural scenery. In theSouthern Dynasties, the mountains ere so beautiful that they ere higher thanthe clouds, and the peaks ere so strange that there ere nine of them, so theyere called Jiuzi mountain. When Li Bai visited the mountains in the TangDynasty, he sa the nine peaks like lotus floers, and rote the verses of "theonderful is divided into to parts, the Lingshan opens the nine floers" and"the green ater in the Tianhe River shos the nine lotus floers", and changedthe name of Jiuzi to Jiuhua. The main body of Jiuhua Mountain is posed ofgranite. Due to the influence of structure, lithology and external force, itforms a magnificent and beautiful landscape ith peaks as the main body, basinsand valleys, streams and springs interoven. There are more than 70 famous peaksin Jiuhua Mountain, more than 30 peaks over 1000 meters, and the highest Shiangpeak is 1342 meters above sea level. Liu Yuxi of the Tang Dynasty praised henhe vieed the mountain: "the sight of a strange peak is breathtaking" and "he isa creature of nature". Five streams in Shanxi flo into liuquankou and into theYangtze River through Wuxi River and Jiuhua River; three streams in Shannan andto streams in Shandong flo into Taiping Lake through Sanxi River and LingyangRiver respectively. The mountains are full of ravines, ravines, pools, floingsprings and aterfalls. "A Wang Wei painting by the river, a poem ritten by LiBai for thousands of years.". Jiuhua Mountain is a fresh and natural landscapepainting. Jiuhua Mountain is full of sceneries, hich change step by step. InQing Dynasty, there are "ten sceneries of Jiuhua". After opening to the outsideorld, eight ne scenic spots and more than 100 ne scenic spots have beenopened up. The ne and old scenic spots plement each other, and the naturalbeauty and cultural landscape blend ith each other. In addition, the fourdistinct seasons, sunrise, sunset, sea of clouds, fog, sno, graupel, Buddhalight and other celestial onders make people fet to return.

2. Dizang Daochang, a famous Buddhist mountain

Jiuhua Mountain is one of the four famous mountains of Buddhism in China.The famous Tibetan Bodhisattva Daochang, hose founder is xinluoseng dizang. Inthe 7th century, under the background of frequent exchanges beteen the TangDynasty and the Korean Peninsula, the prince of Silla, Jin qiaojue, came tovisit famous mountains and Zhuo Xi Jiuhua. After his death, he as regarded asthe "spiritual manifestation" of the Bodhisattva in dizang. Because of hismon surname of Jin, he as called jindizang. Since then, Jiuhua Mountain hasbeen established as a ay of Bodhisattva in Tibet. In the Tang Dynasty, thereere more than 20 temples in Jiuhua Mountain, hich developed to more than 40 inthe Song Dynasty. In the Ming Dynasty, the main temple, Huacheng temple, becamethe total jungle ith dozens of squatters. There ere more than 100 temples inthe hole mountain, and the incense as flourishing, hich as "the ofsoutheast mountains". So Jiuhua Mountain, together ith Wutai, Emei and Putuo,is knon as the four famous mountains of Chinese Buddhism. In the Qing Dynasty,there ere more than 150 temples in Jiuhuashan. From the total jungle Huachengtemple, there ere four big jungles: Zhiyuan temple, Dongya temple, baishuigongtemple and Ganlu temple. Among the four big Foshan temples, it as famous for"the best incense in the orld". After the opening to the outside orld in thelate 1970s, Foshan, an ancient city, as bathed in the sunrise of theflourishing age, ith its vitality reappeared and its old appearance revived. Atpresent, there are more than 90 monasteries, including 9 National Keymonasteries and 30 provincial key monasteries, more than 600 monks, more than10000 Buddha statues and more than 2000 Buddhist cultural relics. Temples aregenerally maintained, Buddhist activities are carried out normally, and foreignexchanges are frequent. Mount Jiuhua Buddhism keeps friendly exchanges ithBuddhist groups in Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, the United States,Thailand, Hong Kong and Taian, and more than 100 monks have made overseasvisits. In today's Buddhist temples in China, Jiuhua Mountain is famous for itsbroad and profound Buddhist culture, International Buddhist taste, strongincense and Buddhist spirit

Popular fusion has been idely praised, and has bee a distinctive andinfluential Buddhist holy land.

3. It has a long history and famous culture

The bination of religious culture and landscape culture, and a lot ofhistorical and cultural activities make Jiuhua Mountain a famous culturalmountain ith a long history and rich aumulation. More than 2000 years ago,Taoists sped at Jiuhua Mountain, and Jiuhua is called "thirty-nine blessedplaces" in the book of "a study of blessed places". Up to no, there are morethan 20 sites of Taoist activities and Taoist temples. In 401, the fifth year ofLong'an in Eastern Jin Dynasty, Tianzhu monk Beidu founded Maoan in Jiuhua, andBuddhism began to spread to Jiuhua Mountain. In the Tang Dynasty, the neBuddhist monk founded the dizang Daochang, hich as "a magnificent place ithbroad light"; in the Ming Dynasty, it as full of fragrance and became one ofthe four famous mountains of Chinese Buddhism. Taoism and Buddhism make JiuhuaMountain famous and attract numerous celebrities and poets. After Li Bai, manyscholars came one after another. They lived in seclusion in Jiuhua and rotebooks. They created books: gathering people to give lectures. They ent out tostudy and visit Taoism. They expressed their love for mountains and rivers androte poems and paintings. There are more than 20 Book sites in Jiuhua Mountain,such as Taibai book Hall, Yangming book and Ganquan book. Jiuhua Mountain isalso the hometon of folk songs. There are more than 300 children's songs, laborsongs and ritual songs, many of hich have Buddhist color and vividly expressthe thoughts, feelings and life interests of the orking people. The imperialcourt of the past dynasties also attached great importance to Jiuhua. Theemperor of the Ming Dynasty issued imperial edicts and silver grants. TheEmperor Kangxi and Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty rote "Jiuhua Holy Land"and "fantuo PuJiao". More than 50 temples in Jiuhua Mountain ere granted by theimperial court. Many historical and cultural activities are rich in historicalrelics. There are more than 2000 historical relics in Jiuhua Mountain, includingnearly 100 precious relics. After opening up to the outside orld, e attachedgreat importance to the development of cultural resources, made great efforts toexcavate and sort out Buddhist culture, and established the "jindizang ResearchAssociation" and the Buddhist Culture Research Association to create a neculture

With the establishment of Buddhist Academy and cultural relic Museum, thecultural resources have been initially developed and have a ide influence athome and abroad. The culture of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, ghostculture, architecture culture, stone carving culture, folk culture, foodculture, tea culture and body culture are amazing. Jiuhua Mountain is a famouscultural mountain ith profound cultural heritage.


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