
机器人培训 2022-12-18 09:16www.robotxin.com机器人培训




First, in thought, to see the side of the master one by one, in the ork of serious and responsible, practical ork hard, illing to offer the spirit of great touched me, I as deeply infected ith this spirit. As a ne member of the enterprise, e should love and respect their jobs, love the survival of our business. The rise and fall of enterprises are closely related to our prosperity, for the prosperity of tomorro, ork diligently, and strive to improve operational skills and expertise.

Second, through the plant several safety skills training, team experience sharing activities and many cases of aident learning, so that they fully aare of safety learning in the petrochemical industry, the importance of this high-risk industries. And truly understand the deep-rooted meaning of safety first in today's "people-oriented" society, and enhance the sense of safety in production, and enhance the job risk identification ability and self-prevention consciousness.

Third, learning, in a bination of theory and practice, do not kno to ask, humbly ask. In the master and technical staff under the guidance of operating skills have been greatly improved. In the cycle of ater, machine pump job trainees, the study of the pump, cooling toer orks, master the cycle of ater systems, cooling toers, ater and seage piping process. In the bloer, pressor, pre-cooling machine position to learn the performance of the pressor, structure and orking principle, get to kno the pre-cooling unit process and principle, master the operation skills in the post purification, expander, fractionator post kno The importance and principle of air purification, refrigeration methods and air separation principle, the distillation column distillation process has a deeper understanding, master the process flo and fractionation toer cooling, effusion, transfer pure operating skills. In the nitrogen pressor position, to further understand the nature of the nitrogen, use and hazards, the master of the post process and operational skills.

Fourth, ork, insist on respect for leadership, unity of colleagues, subject to distribution, love and respect their jobs. Work seriously and responsible, and strive to plete the outstanding leadership of each task. In the inspection process, strict and careful monitoring of the machine's pressure, temperature, flo, liquid level and other technical indicators, found that abnormal ith the master in a timely manner, strict implementation of the operating rules.

Fifth, there is insufficient, deep cold theoretical knoledge is still lacking, equipment failure to be judged to be improved in the future to strengthen cryogenic technology learning, and strengthen the ability to deal ith emergencies, do not panic, fast correct operation.

In the future I ill continue to ork conscientiously, subject to leadership arrangements, and strive to improve their overall quality, so that they bee a qualified technical staff.


First, strengthen the security aareness, the implementation of security measures.

January production safety after the issuance of a text on the anization e have the exam, anti-aident exercises, the use of safety equipment to find hidden safety hazards and other activities. The spirit of a message to the orkshop to convey to everyone. Insist on the orkshop every Monday to check the safety study team, supervise the team hidden risk management.Weekly scheduling in the orkshop e ill ment on security checks, menting on the implementation of security risks rectification. The safety aareness of orkers has been greatly enhanced. In the course of electrical operation and equipment maintenance, all the electrical regulations and systems are strictly observed, especially the "three votes and to systems" and temporary poer and altitude ork procedures. The first half of the implementation of the ork of 81, the second ork of 86, sitch operation 174, s poer transmission contact 621, apply for temporary electricity 21____. In January's security, inspection, did not find a case of illegal behavior. We inspected the inspection team raised four deficiencies in the rectification, and inform the orkshop team.

Second, strengthen the foundation ork, scientific and strict management.Basic ork is a prerequisite for electrical safety operation. At the beginning of the year, plastic parts chemical plant to "fine management" as a strong foundation throughout the year ork. We improve the basic information, strict and meticulous management as a priority. 1-5 months, e have improved the basic information on electrical equipment technology, in particular the pletion of the plastic parts of the chemical plant Class C electrical meter a total of 73____ only finishing the ork, labeled the label. At this point, plete basic information to the orkshop management to lay a solid foundation.

Electrical operation requires a rigorous system of ork, and e perform rigorous incentives at ork. Rearded the outstanding achievements in the security ork ____ orkers. Workshop leaders adhere to the Chagang system, investigate and deal ith discipline ____, ithholding bonus total 450____, and the results informed the hole orkshop, to achieve the purpose of education. At present, the ideological stability of orkers.Chagang the past month have not found the phenomenon of discipline.

In safety management, e adhere to the "safety first, prevention first" approach, the full implementation of the responsibility system for production safety, increase supervision and inspection. Six months to carry out a ____ anti-aident exercises, the orkshop in the May earthquake and flood mitigation exercises, anized 7____ participated in the exercise, the first-line production team training rate of 10____, these activities to improve the safety aareness of orkers and orkers Safety technology level.

Equipment management, e continue to strengthen the three inspection inspection system. Six months in the tour found to solve the CD501 pressor, TKL44 vibrating screen, No. 2 ater pump bearing failure, in order to reduce unplanned dontime has contributed.

Technical business training, six months anized a total of 7____ times of electrical repair ork to participate in the Light Industry Bureau held the intermediate and advanced skills identification and electrical special ork certificate certification. Daily training and education to team technician in the orkshop-based lectures. Lectures close to the actual production, should be closely linked to the electrician should kno and basic theory. Front-line orkers have improved.

Third, efforts to production services, to solve security risks.


I am motivated, hard-orking and practical. After the University of learning has been engaged in the construction and security staff of the ability, a solid professional knoledge. Graduated a year of ork experience, engaged in the construction management of the project are: Meishan Silverpeng International Hotel Project, Chengdu Museum of the ne museum project, Daci mercial cultural plex project, Chengdu Yintai Center Steel Building, Northeast Sichuan natural gas ith high Sulfur plant. No I can ork in engineering construction, project management, safety management and so on. Self from the West China Normal University project cost management undergraduate has all passed, to construction division examination has been adopted. Phoenix Nirvana, ant fire clusters, I firmly believe that hard ork ill have a reasonable return. I hope that I can find a satisfactory destination, together ith the cause of the bright future, to a better tomorro!

At the beginning of this year, e carried out the situation and the task education in the hole orkshop, bined ith the plastic parts of the chemical plant reform, education orkers to establish a sense of crisis, petition consciousness, innovation consciousness. A profound understanding of "quality service is electric orkers in a benefit" meaning.Ho to understand the "rapid and reliable handling of aidents, maintenance of high-quality equipment in good condition"? Through the large and medium-sized enterprises to improve the quality of the orkplace, through the large and medium-sized enterprises, Discussion, orkers clearly recognize the deepening of the situation in the reform, their on interests and the pany and the plastic parts of the chemical plant production and management are closely related. If you ant to in in the petition, e must enrich themselves, improve the overall quality. Put themselves in the production orkshop in the position. To raise the aareness of service and improve the quality of ork as the orkshop on the team, the main basis for the assessment of individual orkers, orkers for the production of service attitude improved significantly.

In March, a major overhaul of the injection device. We have a total of 19 sets of motor maintenance, repair circuit breaker 3, 28 sets of lighting installation, test equipment and building 439 ground, to solve the 35KV substation 3 # bus cable leakage major hidden dangers. To ensure the safety of production and equipment spare. At present, the plastic parts of the electrical equipment in good condition to reach 9____, poer factor remained at 0.93 or more, 2 6KV substations are intact substation, 10 lo-voltage substations in 9 is a good substation Therefore, the rate of 9____.


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