
机器人培训 2022-12-18 09:16www.robotxin.com机器人培训




1, tiger mouth tooth, dance ith olves is my career, some people say that I am bold, in fact, I am very timid, no ay, I am a zoo veterinarian & & 2, and e are not bloing, my professional status, ho much Officer to see me, have to bo to bo, I let him bo he did not dare look up, I let him rise he did not dare to bo, you do not believe it, I'm a national super-barber & &

3, hand knife, his hands covered ith blood, my every day is spent in the Daoguang ax shado, think of those tragic death in my hands of life, I really have nothing to say, so I, others The Public Security Bureau did not catch, the court does not sentence, said I as too small, they do not ant to control, you say no gas, I am the meat factory slaughtering & &

4, say I have money, I do not feel a little ye? But my ork is really counting the number of money every day, hen the number of busy box into a bundle of the number of idle time is also put into the number of put don, Gesanchaiu also a fe dollars and other foreign currencies, you tell me, and sometimes Count the number of money hand cramps children ah, you say I am bloing, I blo Sha Mo, I as a bank teller.

5, I do, but one of the best in the orld, my customers are all emperors and princess, say you may not believe, I am a kindergarten math teacher, I ill teach those little princesses every day count, 1,2 &&

6, it is said that you drink all day long, there are people to give you money, ho can there be a good thing, you do not believe this good thing really let me stand, in fact, nothing, I inery sommelier.

7, cattle Hana, hen a small official children do not kno ye to friends, tell you, Comin met me, and I let you on you, so you under the next, the letter does not? Stare at the eyeball ah, say a joke is also angry ah, you do not kno I as open the elevator you?

8, you do not look at me to earn much, looks like the general, I kinda quite touching the small sample it, a lot of people just sa my face, as my image and temperament fascinated! You say I am bloing, this thing I blo Han, do not believe you inquire about, as the anesthesiologist, in our hospital operating room, I personally captured the hearts of many people! 9, you look like I look good is not, tell you, I also mad it, looking for the object in this area I am definitely a master, I as at the yello, yello place, you, Minger months, one year For a fe it, so there are NPC to give me a lot of money too! You say, I am && thinking ho plicated it, to tell you, ah, I'm a decent person! Well, do not tell you nonsense, I have to filming, the director, ho I set and yello?

10, I am the old number in the unit, the family lacked Han I get from the unit, small ink pen and ink paper, large portable puter, the most cattle is to days ago, I actually in front of all employees, in broad daylight , The unit manager in the office of a leather sofa hire people to go home, is the case, the unit did not like to see people like Leng, regardless of the tube!What do you say? Our unit tube loose? Tell you, our strict management unit, but a name, usually if you do not have a legitimate reason, ant to go home ith a piece of paper is immune! I do not sell you off you, think about this kind of thing, in addition to the private sector as the only investor and CEOs of me, ho ould dare so arrogant it?


Honesty and Honesty, Honesty, Principle, Optimism, Extensive interests, Strong adaptability

Ability to adapt to strong, ith the ability to learn fast, calm personality, failing to calm and do things carefully; dare to face and overe difficulties, ork conscientiously and actively, motivated, able to bear hardships and stand hard ork.

Dare to face and overe difficulties, ork conscientiously and actively, motivated, able to bear hardships and stand hard ork; have a sense of responsibility, ability to adapt to the strong and strong, calm, calm, calm, careful and courteous;

I am cheerful and self-confident personality, ork seriously and responsible, calm, concerned about the collective, a strong sense of responsibility, sincere people, ork seriously serious, full of professionalism in the continuous learning and ork to develop a rigorous, practical, unpopular and impatient ork Style and solidarity and cooperation of the character of character Stable, failing to calm and calm, doing things carefully; dare to face and overe difficulties, motivated, able to endure hardship, good professional quality, ability to deal ith problems; can quickly integrate into a ne Of the team.

I am humorous and cheerful, easy to municate ith people, perseverance, hardship, learning ability,

Love all kinds of sports, especially basketball, and can deeply feel the importance of teamork.

I ork a serious and responsible, failing to calm and calm, for the sake of others, to groups as the most important.

I am cheerful, able to endure hardship, munication skills, and quickly into the collective ability.

Love basketball, and feel the importance of teamork. Diligent, responsible, problem-solving ability; can be quicker; be able to ork hard, be able to ork hard, be able to ork hard, be able to ork hard, have a good professional quality; Into a ne team.

Able to endure hardship, calm personality, failing to calm, have a strong ability to judge, do something more cautious, love basketball and other team sports, can quickly integrate into a collective, humble man.

Self-motivated and responsible, able to ork hard, have a good professional quality; modest, prudent, problem-solving ability; a good team spirit, can quickly integrate into a ne team.

Respectable, hard-orking and able to overe difficulties, able to quickly integrate into the team, a good professional quality; love sports, from hich to feel the importance of teamork ith them .


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