
机器人培训 2022-12-18 09:16www.robotxin.com机器人培训




  Time off quickly, blink of an eye, I ent to Hengyuan pany project department, has more than six months.In these days, suess, failure, joy, and distress. In the leadership of the care and guidance, colleagues in the full support and help, my ability to ork has been greatly improved.

  From the unit, I kno their on shortings and the direction of the effort, no in the project department engaged in the measurement of construction tests and so on. In addition to the ork of the Ministry of Construction, , To learn more about my colleagues ork knoledge and munication. I kno that their experience and experience are inadequate, practice is also very flaed, but do not kno I asked, and aess to information and draings, colleagues in the office and the leadership of the help, feel that they learned these days Many, every day is full. No the ork of these days to do a self-assessment.

  1, 1, to study hard and continuously improve professional petence. At ork, serious study of professional knoledge, practice and theory ill be bined, continue to aumulate experience, a lot of professionals, technical staff advice, and constantly enrich themselves;

  2, abide by the rules and regulations, these days, their ork is not afraid of hardship, not afraid of tired, learning excellent staff approach, more to see more to listen to more questions, carefully to plete the construction test of the ork tasks; , Unity of colleagues, ork together, colleagues, harmonious relations, unity and fraternity, mutual help, mutual respect and understanding;

  3, revie these days, I seriously study the professional knoledge of road and bridge, study diligently, holeheartedly, courteous, arm, patiently anser the problems in the ork, and in practice to improve their quality and professional level, and strive to gro As a qualified Hengyuan employees. These days, let me on their on jobs and the pany's advantages of resources, have a more profound understanding and understanding, hich can be more quickly adapt to their jobs, give full play to their initiative, in the future ork andLife, I believe that through their on efforts, in the future ork, I ill gro into a professional and responsible staff, to bee the object of learning for others to contribute to the pany. With the increase in their orking days, to achieve their goals, reflecting the value of their lives, and the pany gro together. I ill use modest attitude and full of enthusiasm to do my job, create value for the pany, ith the pany to look forard to a better future!


  Blink of an eye 10 years have gone, e ushered in a ne year. Summing up the ork of the past year, from a personal point of vie about the measurement of aareness.

  Quality is the life, quality is the fundamental guarantee for enterprise development. In the fierce petition in the construction market today, ho to improve the construction quality management level is every enterprise managers must think about. Factors affecting the quality of construction in all aspects. From the engineering measurement point of vie, analyze the ork of measuring the pay-off to ensure and improve the quality of the construction of an important role, and simply ho to strengthen the management of measurement ork to improve the quality of construction.

  It is a very important technical ork of municipal road engineering that the measuring and measuring line is an important technical ork. It is inseparable from the hole process of construction, from the preparation before construction to the pletion of the construction, to the final aeptance after construction. Ho to do a quick and good measurement of the line, is a basic technical skills and test the basic requirements.

  Do the measurement before the mencement of the end

  Before the start of the project, the survey and design units shall be responsible for on-site surveying and settlement aording to the design documents, and the site standard point, conductor piles and crossing point piles shall be clearly identified aording to the design draings. Within the measurement of signs, must take appropriate protection measures. On the measurement of the end, it is necessary to emphasize the protection of pile position, that is, in the design unit after pile, should be timely use of brick piers or pouring cement pier and other methods to be protected, so as not to lose. These piles are generally farmland or residential areas, it is easy to be man-made destruction, and once destroyed, let the survey and design units to fill test, then delay the construction, but also increase the cost.

  Midline retest and edge loft

  Center line measurement is based on the alignment measurement, the road center line plane position on the ground marked in detail. It is the difference ith the alignment measurement is: alignment measurement, but the intersection of the road and the straight line segment of the necessary turning point marked out, and in the midline measurement, aording to the intersection and the turning point ith a series of stakes ill road straight Segment and curve segments are specified in detail on the ground.

  The alignment survey is usually carried out by the survey and design units, and then the pile and measurement results to the construction side, the construction unit by the middle line and construction measurement.

  Subgrade construction should be fully restored before the center line, aording to the restoration of the pile in the road and the relevant provisions of the roadbed side of the pile. On the midline re-measurement and edge lofting, should pay attention to the folloing points;

  One should pay attention to the distance beteen the intersection, the direction is consistent ith the draings; such as an engineering project has several tenders, should pay attention to the center of the adjacent tenders are closed, midline measurements should be in-depth adjacent tenders 50 ~ 100 M; attention should be paid to the center of the structure such as bridge and culvert is closed; should pay attention to the relative position of the building and other buildings and draings are consistent. If you find problems in a timely manner to identify the reasons for the design unit.

  Second, retaining pile set. It is very important to set up pile protection pile in the middle of the road, but these piles are easy to be destroyed during the construction. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out the restoration and surveying ork of the middle pile during the construction of the roadbed. In order to quickly and aurately restore the center pile in the original position, must be on the road before the construction of the main control point of the pile such as the intersection point, turning point, curve control points set up retaining pile. The so-called retaining pile, is outside the scope of the construction is not easy to be destroyed here some stakes set up.Aording to these pile, ith simple methods (such as the intersection point, range, etc.), you can quickly restore the original pile point.

  Set the pile should pay attention to the folloing aspects: in each straight section of the road, at least three control piles to set up retaining pile, so even if there is a control pile can not be restored, the other to points can be used to restore the straight section To the original position; the intersection angle of the to direction lines as close as possible to 90 °, should not be less than 30 ° angle of intersection; retaining pile should be selected outside the scope of construction, but not too far aay; Pile distance can not be too far; The retaining pile must be solid and reliable, pile to facilitate the erection of measuring instruments and observation.

  Set up retaining pile of curve side. For the curve segment, because of the more difficult to determine the side of the pile, re-measuring time-consuming more, so after a precise line, the edge of the curve section of the pile pile should also be set representative pile, hich can reduce Repeat the measurement, reducing the measurement orkload.

  The laying of mileage piles is not addressed in most of the surveying and setting-out sections of the Construction Manual, and is not taken into aount at many sites. I found in some sites, some construction technicians in the construction survey, the determination of the distance station is a long distance from a foot a foot ro over, not only a aste of time and prone to cumulative error. If the mileage stakes are not alloed, then the elevation, slope quality control is out of the question.

  Third, the proofreading and additional standard point

  Through the midline re-test, side piles line and the laying of the standard point, you can measure the vertical and horizontal cross-section. The main purpose of vertical and horizontal cross-section measurement is to calculate the amount of earth, so the vertical and horizontal cross-section measurement after the end of the measurement results should be checked ith the design draings. Where the results ith the original ithin the alloable deviation, the original results shall prevail, and only hen there are significant differences ith the original results, can be reported to the supervisory engineer after verification changes. It should be noted that: the ork must be carried out before construction. If the measured amount of earth and the design does not conform to the supervision of the approval should also be carried out before construction.Some site excavation to the supervisor before the actual amount of earthork and design does not match, require additional visa, but the final supervision refused.So be sure to pay attention to the timeliness of the ork.


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